Category Archives: Manicures/Nail Art

Where Was I?

If I were a cartoon:



Worst nightmare:



The weirdest thing the Internet has shown me lately:

Nails, Nails, Nails:

One of my many Valentine's Day manicures.

One of my many Valentine’s Day manicures.


Megan from Mad Men, from my favourite episode of the season "Far Away Places".

Megan from Mad Men, from my favourite episode of the season “Far Away Places”.

Nails inspired by Megan's awesome wardrobe.

Nails inspired by Megan’s awesome wardrobe.

Maybe an Oscar winner? I think so. “Adam and Dog” by Minkyu Lee:

I’m going to cut it off!


I have a friend that's a wig-maker. I'm going to give her my hair and she's going to give me a fantastic haircut.

I have a friend that’s a wig-maker. I’m going to give her my hair and she’s going to give me a fantastic haircut.

It’s time for a reinvention.





A New Addition

We’ve been thinking about it for a little while now. I never thought it was something I wanted for my life and I didn’t think I could handle the responsibility, but I guess–as you get older–these things change.

So many questions run through my mind–will I be able to care for it? where will we put it? will Emma be jealous?

But then it came to me, all of a sudden, with striking clarity — if we wait till we’re ready, it’ll never happen. So we just went for it.

Introducing….Her Majesty

Isn't she lovely?

Isn’t she lovely?

Look at her, showing off the goods.

Look at her, showing off the goods.

I’m in love. We’re already thinking of getting a second one for the other side. I think it would be very dramatic! We’ll see. We need to make sure we don’t kill the one we’ve got before we get her a little brother or sister.

Here she is, looking fabulous, first thing in the morning. I'm very concerned about that direct sunlight...

Here she is, looking fabulous, first thing in the morning. I’m very concerned about that direct sunlight…

I think I can say with total authority that my transition to adulthood is now complete. If you need some secondary evidence, may I present to you this dazzling fruit bowl that I’ve assembled.

fruit bowl

My adventures in baby stiletto nails continue, despite all objections.

Black tips, with striping tape.

Black tips, with striping tape.

A little Love goes a long way...

A little Love goes a long way…

White tips with dots.

White tips with dots.


It’s been stuck in my head for a week…


Nail Revolution

I’d say it’s been just about forever since I did a nail post, and let me tell you – BIG things are happening here.

I hated them at first, but now I kind of love them —Stiletto Nails — the long pointy talon-types seen here…

My Girl Crush, Lana Del Rey, has an extreme set.

My Girl Crush, Lana Del Rey, has an extreme set.

Adele's are classy.

Adele’s are classy.

Rihanna has a subtle, rounded stiletto nail.

Rihanna has a subtle, rounded stiletto nail.

Something about these nails makes ladies want to touch all up on their faces, apparently. I think they’re entirely impractical and eccentric looking and I haven’t seen anyone that exists in the Real World wearing them, except maybe the Japanese so…

Still. That’s the thing about nails as accessories, they’re easily changeable! If it doesn’t work out, you just cut ’em off and start all over again!

Change is important! So here they are. Mine are only baby stilettos.



I texted Ashleigh a picture of my nails and she said they’re “creepy”. I guess that’s true…but, check it out – I get to have adorable heart nails to gear up for Valentine’s Day!

It's a heart tip manicure!

It’s a heart tip manicure!

So? Creepy? Cute? Both?

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Ringing in the new year in style.

Ringing in the new year in style.

I keep setting out to write some sort of New Years post and giving up shortly after. I don’t know what to say aside from all the things that everyone else says. It’s just another day, but it allows people to feel hopeful–like change is possible. We all take stock and evaluate our experiences over the past year and most of us feel we’ve come up short in one way or another and vow to be better. So much optimism and good faith! It’s an opportunity to make different choices.

I’m not big into resolutions, but I sure do like lists…

– Blog regularly. I know you would be lost without me.
– Drink water.
– Stand up straight.
– Be fearless.
– Spend less time online, and more time reading books.
– Don’t be apathetic. Act like it matters.
– Go to yoga twice a week.
– Don’t act without intention.
– Cook at least one meal a day.
– Floss regularly.

With any luck, I won’t totally fail before the end of the month.

So what are your goals?

Obviously, it’s important to start off the new year with fabulous nails. These took forever–at least 3 episodes of Lockup.

First, I stamped my nails with plate BM-203. Then I filled in the lines with metallic striping tape.

First, I stamped my nails with plate BM-203. Then I filled in the lines with metallic striping tape.

Boxing Day

I’ve been gifted so much chocolate and I want it out of my life. I never have that sort of thing in the house, but since it’s here…

I’m not very good at moderation, so I was thinking that if I just eat it all tonight, then the problem has been swiftly dealt with.

I had a very modest boxing day this year. The sales were underwhelming, so it’s for the best.

I bought owl measuring cups from Pier 1.

The cups stack inside one another.

The cups stack inside one another.

Look how damn cute they are.

Look how damn cute they are.

Also from Pier 1, are these stacking coffee cups.


From the comfort of my own home, I ordered from Amazon.

I have the other seasons on DVD, so I felt it necessary to add season 5 to the collection.

I have the other seasons on DVD, so I felt it necessary to add season 5 to the collection.

I already have s couple unread books to bring with me on vacation, but this just looks like such a perfect beach read and it’s supposed to be good . Here’s a review/synopsis.

Judging by the cover, it looks like good fun.

Judging by the cover, it looks like good fun.

And, of course, nails…

Rose nails. OPI Bubble Bath is the base colour, and I used Blink plate B44 to stamp my roses.

Rose nails. OPI Bubble Bath is the base colour, and I used Blink plate B44 to stamp my roses.

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Holiday Nails

I’ve done some decent holiday nails lately.

Go ahead and admire them…

Snowflake Nails! I striped them, then I stamped the snowflakes and put a dash of glitter on top.

Snowflake Nails! I striped them, then I stamped the snowflakes and put a dash of glitter on top.

These aren't overtly holiday related, but I figure the maroon and gold makes them festive.

These aren’t overtly holiday related, but I figure the maroon and gold makes them festive.

Santa Nails! Pretty damn precious, right?

Santa Nails! Pretty damn precious, right?

And just a bonus shot of Santa's face.

And just a bonus shot of Santa’s face.

Are you staying up to date on your hip hop? 1Train = NEW SCHOOL.

Christmas Tree Nails

Are you ready for a barrage of holiday themed nails?!

These ones didn’t work out quite as I had imagined, but they can’t all  be winners, I guess. You’ve got to give me some time to get into the Christmas spirit. I’m not feeling it yet.

The idea isn’t mine. It’s based on nail blogger Pshiiit’s beautiful Christmas tree nails that have been floating about the internet. I tried to combine her taping method with a little stamping. I had a really hard time photographing these nails because of the glare…

I used Bundle monster plate 201.

I used Bundle monster plate 201.


christmas tree nails


If I were to do it again, I would either try different colours, or make the tree solid, rather than patterned.



Walking through Parkdale…


Haven’t we all?



I’m going to call today my last day of being sick. I’ve used my couch time wisely. Here are my Nails of the Week:

BM stamping plate 225

BM stamping plate 225

I was going for a frosted tip, icy kind of look. Meh.

I was going for a frosted tip, icy kind of look. Meh.

BM stamping plate 201. These have a holiday feel, right?

BM stamping plate 201. These have a holiday feel, right?







Things I Bought and Like

It’s going to help structure my daily goals. I’m fond of lists, because then you get to strike things off once you’ve accomplished a task. No more crummy paper lists for this gal! Alistair said he’s going to draw a penis on it at his first opportunity. Better than tracing, I guess.

And, best of all, I got to strike it off my list…

A prime example of a crummy paper list


See that? I’m researching Costa Rica because we’re thinking of taking our New Years trip there for a couple weeks of beaching, yoga, and surfing (not me–I’m too scared for that). Anyone been? Suggestions? Santa Teresa seems to be the area we’re headed.

I’ve been shopping up a storm! It’s perfect timing, really, what with being unemployed again and Christmas around the corner.

I did buy that coat I was looking at. And I saved over $100 because I waited for the Black Friday sale. It looks better than it does in the photo, I think–I was trying it on in the store and wanted to snap a quick picture before the other patrons could judge me.

concentration face

I also bought a few new polishes. Ok, so OPI put out a polish called The Man with the Golden Gun as part of the Skyfall collection. It’s a topcoat with flecks of 18k gold. It’s pricey as far as polishes go but, rest easy friends, I saved a whopping $10. I love it. Here’s two examples of me loving it…

This is Essie’s Meet Me at Sunrise, with The Man with the Golden Gun on top.

Ignore the sloppy paint job. This is China Glaze’s Evening Seduction with The Man with the Golden Gun on top.

See! It’s an easy way to spice things up.

Normally I showcase my nail art, but I haven’t gotten around to doing anything fancy with these two lovely nude colours from OPI’s Germany Collection.

OPI Don’t Pretzel My Buttons

OPI My Very First Knockwurst

If they look like they might be the same colour, you’re wrong. The first is a nude with yellow undertones and the second is a nude with pink undertones. Biiiiiig difference.


On the board for tomorrow — get back to writing my little story. I got derailed by the simple fact hat I have no idea what I’m doing. And I lack discipline. But the board will change that!

Coincidentally, I just came across an article someone posted to Facebook on the daily routines of well-known authors. They all have discipline.




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Movember Nails!

I’m generally not a fan of the whole Movember thing. I can appreciate it, if it’s actually paired with some sort of fundraising effort, but mostly I think it’s just used as an excuse for men to live out their facial-hair fantasties–try out that pencil or handlebar moustache.

*EDIT– For those that haven’t heard of Movember – the month of November is when men take to growing moustaches to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and male mental health initiatives. Now you know.

Aside from that one pesky dark hair that I have to occasionally pluck from my upper lip, my moustache isn’t all that impressive….SO, Movember Nails! Really, I’m just using this as an excuse to put an adorable little moustache on my nails.

Hey! Why not consider making a donation.
