Ringing in the new year in style.

Ringing in the new year in style.

I keep setting out to write some sort of New Years post and giving up shortly after. I don’t know what to say aside from all the things that everyone else says. It’s just another day, but it allows people to feel hopeful–like change is possible. We all take stock and evaluate our experiences over the past year and most of us feel we’ve come up short in one way or another and vow to be better. So much optimism and good faith! It’s an opportunity to make different choices.

I’m not big into resolutions, but I sure do like lists…

– Blog regularly. I know you would be lost without me.
– Drink water.
– Stand up straight.
– Be fearless.
– Spend less time online, and more time reading books.
– Don’t be apathetic. Act like it matters.
– Go to yoga twice a week.
– Don’t act without intention.
– Cook at least one meal a day.
– Floss regularly.

With any luck, I won’t totally fail before the end of the month.

So what are your goals?

Obviously, it’s important to start off the new year with fabulous nails. These took forever–at least 3 episodes of Lockup.

First, I stamped my nails with plate BM-203. Then I filled in the lines with metallic striping tape.

First, I stamped my nails with plate BM-203. Then I filled in the lines with metallic striping tape.

3 thoughts on “2013

  1. brent says:

    Wow. Those nails are impressive!

    I never do NY resolutions. Starting a new year is never a good enough reason for me to do something. If i can’t do it on some random date, then i figure I’m just to lazy to do it period.

    If you dont post again before your trip, have a great time and take lots of pictures to post!

  2. Steven Theiss says:

    Another phenomenal set of nails, Tara!

    Yes, please do continue to blog regularly, especially in regards to your ongoing story project. And as Brent said, hope you have a great time on your upcoming trip!

    (I also really liked the “Don’t be apathetic. Act like it matters.” resolution. It can be interpreted multiple ways.)

  3. Joseph Mallozzi says:

    My New Year’s resolution is to to read your blog on a more regular basis.

    And eat more vegetables.

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