Monthly Archives: September 2012

Nuit Blanche

Toronto’s cityscape in lights

These life-sized plastic people were spread throughout downtown, passed along from individual to individual. They are meant to shed light on how we treat strangers, or something. The message – “I am an Outsider. If you find me, take me with you, take a photo, pass me on”. I molested it–as I would any stranger–and then we gave it to a woman who expressed interest in keeping him in her backyard.

Last night was Nuit Blanch–Toronto’s all night art thing. From sunset to sunrise, we wandered the streets looking at contemporary art installations throughout the city. The art isn’t all that remarkable, but the vibe is. Mostly, it’s an excuse for people to get trashed and stay out all night…but hey, what’s wrong with that?

The parking garage below city hall played host to Douglas Copeland’s Museum for the End of the World–an expansive series of tableuxs and signs that envision a post-apocoalyptic world.

A post-apocolyptic bunker, complete with 21st century artificacts

The future of real estate

Survival of the fittest! There was a live-action scenario playing out for a crowd. A couple vacated their spot, leaving a sweet opening up front and I glided in to check it out. Some guy with his girlfriend grudgingly muttered, “Yeah, we weren’t trying to get in there…”. I don’t think he understood the distinction between a crowd and a lineup. I smiled and said, “Guess you should have tried harder”. After searching for the perfect thing to say, he said – “I’m not that much of a douche”. I make friends wherever I go, you see. I said, “Well, I guess that’s why you’re back there and I’m up here”. Every man for himself–it’s the end of the world.

At Yonge and Dundas square, there was an installation called “Talk 2 Strangers”. In an age of electronic communication, this  helpful project offered signs to help guide us through the process of interacting face to face.

All good tips.

We stood in the designated area, and soon enough we were talking to strangers. We met a British guy who had been here for only 4 weeks, and a Russian guy named Roman.  The signs really work to validate the experience and take out the awkwardness of approaching random people because you know that everyone in that area is there for the same purpose. I think these ‘talk to strangers’ signs should be stationed throughout the city on a permanent basis.

One of my favourite exhibits was the photocopier dance party. It was a darkened space with a live DJ and photocopiers functioned as disco lights. This appealed to my vanity as I was able to collect a nice series of photocopy portraits.

I was pretty proud of this one

People discarded their photocopies, throwing them on the floor, which created this really creepy mosaic of dark faces and ghostly hands looking up from the ground.

I had a fun night. It gave me the illusion of being a tourist in my own city.


Nails of the Week

Let’s get all caught up.

I started with a nice, neutral shellac manicure. I could be bridesmaid with hands like this:

So simple. So elegant.

I was skimming through Vanity Fair and decided to do up some Baroque nails, based on these D&G dresses:

Dolce and Gabbana fall runway. Such ornate patterns.

My interpretation! I used Bundle Monster plate 21.

Rita Moreno – she played Anita in West Side Story

If I were a 1950’s Puerto Rican woman, then these would be my hands, I figure.

This is Illamasqua’s Aorta. It has a rubberized finish and it’s awesome.

Also, I played around on this nail colour wheel:

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All in a Day

I can’t think of a more ineffective way to advertise than a person, standing on the street, holding a sign. And, for some reason, the businesses that are most likely to employ this sort of tactic offer products that are the least likely to be purchased by random customers. I saw some poor bastard on the street today holding a HOT TUB BLOWOUT SALE sign. He was unenthusiastically jiggling it about. I guess if even one person visits their store after seeing that sign, then it’s worth it. And maybe there really is that one person that drives by, slams on the breaks and says, “Oh shit! Hot tubs?! I hadn’t even thought of that before, but come to mention it – I could use a good soak”. There’s always one.

I’ve had an exceptional amount of down time at work these last few days. I work 12 hours a day, so that’s a whole lot of time to kill. Things I’ve done to occupy myself:

I have 8 games going right now. It’s practically a full-time job.

Words With Friends. I’ve been playing an obscene amount of scrabble on my phone. I think I need to cut back before this addiction gets out of control.

Crafts! I sewed a pocket onto my set chair. Actually, it’s a pencil case from the dollar store.

Before: a simple pencil case

After: one very impressive pocket.

Works like a charm! Holds my phone, lip gloss, keys and pen. I’m really pretty proud of myself.

Mmmmmm. Any time is juice time.

I pilfer all the apple juice I can find and stash it in my bag to take home.

All in a day’s work…

Simple Clouds

Cloud manicures are pretty old news as far as nail trends go, but here’s what I’ve got on my nails today. I think they have a little bit of a Wonder Woman feel to them. An essence, let’s say.

Colours: Essie’s Meet Me at Sunrise (red), Revlon’s Fashionista (blue), Color Club gold.



Sickly Sunday

I’m not even really sick. But it’s lurking there, just below the surface. To combat this threat, I’ve been downing Oil of Oregano and taking cold and flu pills that have left me feeling very groggy and weak.

I painted my nails to match my robe…


I’ve had a less than stellar week and I’ve decided that working is for chumps.

I’m just not so good at keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself a lot of the time, and there’re not so many jobs that welcome that. I work with a guy who is sooo cool and easy-going and I sometimes wish that I was a cool and easy-going person like him. I’m all tormented and uppity all the time and he’s just chillin’.

Unfortunately, I don’t have fuck-you money so me and my ego will just have to get over it.

Apparently, there was an Internet Cat Film Festival that hosted over 10,000 online entries. This was the winner:



Summer’s End

Like many Canadians (or Torontonians, more specifically), I spent the labour day long-weekend away at a cottage. My parent’s are aiming to sell the cottage so this could very well have been the last summer spent there.

I painted my mother’s nails a lovely silvery blue that I’m all but certain she’s already removed. I watched everyone get very drunk by the campfire, before we headed into the basement to play darts. I don’t know how to play darts. It turns out there’s a bunch of math involved which practically eliminates Alistair and I from the get-go. It turns out my father is actually very good at darts–he hit 3 bull’s-eyes within his first couple turns. The things you learn about people…

The next day was a beach day. We took the ferry over to Christian Island–an Ojibwa reserve that has some very nice beaches on Georgian Bay.

Let’s celebrate summer’s end with copious pictures of yours truly…

It’s a $40 ferry ride to visit Christian Island

Georgian Bay

Napping on the beach

I’m doing all the hard work, trudging through the sand with our gear (*not pictured are the 3 heavy bags Alistair had to carry).

Obligatory bikini picture. I love this beach because it has a sort of lush, green, tropical feel to it.

Shadow art!

And now…back to work. A week of night-shoots, in the pouring rain…*sigh*

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