All in a Day

I can’t think of a more ineffective way to advertise than a person, standing on the street, holding a sign. And, for some reason, the businesses that are most likely to employ this sort of tactic offer products that are the least likely to be purchased by random customers. I saw some poor bastard on the street today holding a HOT TUB BLOWOUT SALE sign. He was unenthusiastically jiggling it about. I guess if even one person visits their store after seeing that sign, then it’s worth it. And maybe there really is that one person that drives by, slams on the breaks and says, “Oh shit! Hot tubs?! I hadn’t even thought of that before, but come to mention it – I could use a good soak”. There’s always one.

I’ve had an exceptional amount of down time at work these last few days. I work 12 hours a day, so that’s a whole lot of time to kill. Things I’ve done to occupy myself:

I have 8 games going right now. It’s practically a full-time job.

Words With Friends. I’ve been playing an obscene amount of scrabble on my phone. I think I need to cut back before this addiction gets out of control.

Crafts! I sewed a pocket onto my set chair. Actually, it’s a pencil case from the dollar store.

Before: a simple pencil case

After: one very impressive pocket.

Works like a charm! Holds my phone, lip gloss, keys and pen. I’m really pretty proud of myself.

Mmmmmm. Any time is juice time.

I pilfer all the apple juice I can find and stash it in my bag to take home.

All in a day’s work…

3 thoughts on “All in a Day

  1. brent says:

    Ah. Words with Friends. Probably responsible for a few percentage points of inefficiency in the world. You aren’t one of those players that cheats and uses those websites to help you with words are you? I have a friend who has an English Major. I beat her about 80% of the time (at the game……) and it makes her livid. She sends messages during the game that include the phrases “that’s bullshit”, “fuck this game”, and my favorite “I hate you”. Its the small things in life that bring a smile to my face.

    • tarayelland says:

      I have for sure made all the same comments as your friend, and probably much worse. I’m competitive…and possibly a sore loser.

  2. Joseph Mallozzi says:

    You may deride them but those seemingly silly sidewalk sign jobs are an effective way to crush an employee’s spirit AND humiliate them. The best kind involve some sort of silly outfit where the face is exposed for easy recognition. Requiring some sort of continuous movement also offers the bonus of repeated strain injury 🙂

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