Tag Archives: Christian Island

Summer’s End

Like many Canadians (or Torontonians, more specifically), I spent the labour day long-weekend away at a cottage. My parent’s are aiming to sell the cottage so this could very well have been the last summer spent there.

I painted my mother’s nails a lovely silvery blue that I’m all but certain she’s already removed. I watched everyone get very drunk by the campfire, before we headed into the basement to play darts. I don’t know how to play darts. It turns out there’s a bunch of math involved which practically eliminates Alistair and I from the get-go. It turns out my father is actually very good at darts–he hit 3 bull’s-eyes within his first couple turns. The things you learn about people…

The next day was a beach day. We took the ferry over to Christian Island–an Ojibwa reserve that has some very nice beaches on Georgian Bay.

Let’s celebrate summer’s end with copious pictures of yours truly…

It’s a $40 ferry ride to visit Christian Island

Georgian Bay

Napping on the beach

I’m doing all the hard work, trudging through the sand with our gear (*not pictured are the 3 heavy bags Alistair had to carry).

Obligatory bikini picture. I love this beach because it has a sort of lush, green, tropical feel to it.

Shadow art!

And now…back to work. A week of night-shoots, in the pouring rain…*sigh*

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