
I dare you not to be impressed with this slick packing job.

Just look at this readiness!

Just look at this readiness!

Just earlier today I scoffed at the enormous pile of clothes I had on the floor and said to myself, “there’s no way all this will fit in one suitcase”…but it did, and then I added even more stuff.

That’s right. I’m bringing tupperware. I barely cook in my real life, but in Costa Rica I’m planning on preparing meals that will have leftovers. We’ll have a kitchen, so I’m hoping we can cut costs by at least having breakfasts/lunches on the cheap.

Normally, with this little time before traveling, I would start my whole chills and nausea shtick – it’s my body’s hilarious way of processing excitement/anxiety. BUT I’ve taken a preemptive measure –a coutner-attack, shall we say– and downed a bunch of Gravol to make myself good and sleepy.

We are planning to go to Costa Rica, love it, and never come back. I’ll become a yoga instructor or braid hair on the beach for money. I’ll cook good and cheap meals made of rice and beans and whatever else they eat in Central America. I really have no idea, but I’m bound to figure it out. I think you should all prepare for this eventuality and consider how you might continue your lives without me…I won’t be able to afford Internet in my new pared down life.

También voy a tener que aprender español. Hasta entonces, voy a confiar en Google Translate.

I painted my  nails to match my bathing suits. It’s nice to bust out of my winter colours and revisit summer…

summer flower nails

4 thoughts on “Packed

  1. Steve says:

    If we come and visit you in Costa Rica, will you tell us stories? I need to find out what happens to Avery!

    Should I bring a sleeping bag, or will there be hammocks for your guests? How many weeks, more or less, is one guest allowed to stay? 🙂

  2. Brent says:

    Pura Vida

  3. Pal impresionante. Tienen un viaje fantástico. Vamos a convocar de nuevo a mi regreso. Late enero pastas, café y cigarro aventura! xo

  4. Joseph Mallozzi says:

    Have fun! Don’t forget to pack your toothbrush. And make sure kidnapping insurance is up to date!

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