Tag Archives: movember nails

Movember Nails!

I’m generally not a fan of the whole Movember thing. I can appreciate it, if it’s actually paired with some sort of fundraising effort, but mostly I think it’s just used as an excuse for men to live out their facial-hair fantasties–try out that pencil or handlebar moustache.

*EDIT– For those that haven’t heard of Movember – the month of November is when men take to growing moustaches to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and male mental health initiatives. Now you know.

Aside from that one pesky dark hair that I have to occasionally pluck from my upper lip, my moustache isn’t all that impressive….SO, Movember Nails! Really, I’m just using this as an excuse to put an adorable little moustache on my nails.

Hey! Why not consider making a donation.
